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RE: Need legal advice?

> Your contract is with whomever you paid your money to, no
> matter what anyone
> tells you, this is the law.  WRT Warrenty, this is with the
> person you bought
> the goods from, if there is a fault, you retrun to them and
> they return to their
> supplier however, in this day and age you could return to the
> supplier direct
> but the legal responsibility remains with the seller.


If you buy something that is faulty on arrival, you return it to the seller
- fair enough, but if you buy something that develops a fault after 6
months, and this is where the problem lies - I wouldn't want to receive the
goods and then ship them onwards - for a start, that means either I pay the
shipping from me to the supplier and back, or it is passed on to the end
user who has to pay _two_ lots of shipping - from them to me, me to the
suplpier etc.

I have no problem with it being 'legally' my responsibility so long as I can
just leave the buyer and the supplier to ship to each other directly.

> You've got me going now, there is another act you may have
> heard of which is the
> 'Trades Descriptions Act' which sets out all the gubbins
> about fitness for
> purpose etc so for say the cake example, if you found a rat
> (or worse half a
> rat) in the middle of the cake then presto, not fit for purpose !

Yes, but I was commenting on being able to return the goods 'for any reason'
which is what the other act says.
If that is enforcable, you could return it simply because you were full
after eating 1/2 the cake and didn't want the other half :(

> On the opening of goods issue, this is not enforcable by the
> retailer/supplier
> if you can demonstrate that the goods are faulty, you
> normally see terms and
> conditions with a disclaimer 'This does not affect your
> statutory rights' blah
> blah.  Your rights are included in both the acts that I
> mentioned.  Trouble is
> most folk do not know what their rights are and accept the
> word of the shop etc.

Faulty goods are one issue, but it's where they say 'you can't return it
because you opened it' that I find apalling.

I tried to buy a PC Card modem for my Psion organiser a few years back from
PC World.
I asked one of their 'helpful' assistants if it would work with the Psion.
'No', they said, 'you can only use the Psion travelmodem'
'Ah', I said, 'I have the PCCard adapter for the Psion which says it will
work with most PCCard modems.  Will this one work?'
'Yes' he said.

No given the complete 180 he did, I was naturally sceptical and asked if I
would be able to return it for a full refund if it didn't work.
'Certainly', he said, 'as long as you haven't opened the package' . :-<

What did he think I was going to do - photocopy the modem and use the copy
Needless to say I left the store and bought it elsewhere - and yes, it did
work after all. :D


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