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RE: Need legal advice?

Also, all the previous bulk buys were more or less successfull because this
group is like a small community and all the bulk buys were based on trust.
Nobody complained if goods were delivered late or something went slightly wrong.
The moment we start doing buys on regular basis and group being so open
(everyone can join) we can expect problems.
There will be people out there that will see this group as a way to obtain goods
cheaper than on high street and they will join for that purpose only. The moment
something goes wrong, delay or something, they will have no understanding for
bulk buy organizer, and organizer can find that it's not all worth the hassle.
Forming co-operative or some other formal association will lead us into
something like (which went bust anyway). That was site where
people were suggesting what to buy and then they were getting discount based on
how many people joined to buy particular item.
But their prices were not that great, though. Even with the highest discount.
Anyway, I feel that this disscussion leads somewhere and we will find a way to
get what we want.

IMHO letsbuyit went bust because they tried to be all things to all people and
were not able to do so, never mind the wodge they spent in advertising etc.

Nik is right though, I joined this group but a few days ago and I would very
much like to take part in Bulk Buys as I just had to pay over the odds for a
Fuji 510 'cause I did not heed the advice of my pal Dave McLaughlin and join
when he told me to, but did any of you other than Dave know of me beforehand ?

A lot of electrons have flowed today on this discussion and there is not easy
answer however I think that there must be a way that we can affort ourselves
some protection, share in the spoils and have a great time doing it.  Just have
to think a bit harder on how.


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