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Anyone want an Audiotron?

I might have a couple more AT's for sale if anyone is interested.

There's been a bit of a FCUK up with the Danish distributor - I dealt with
an american guy and later with a Dane of v.poor english.
Anyway, Yank and I agreed a price including UK VAT. 
Dane assumed this was ex-VAT as VAT does not have to be charged on goods
sent from one EU country to another  it is up to the destination to pay the
VAT.  I, of course, didn't know this at the time :D
I sent total price including VAT (which Dane thought was agreed price ex
so blah blah, they agree with me now that there was a wee mistake and my
choices are to get a cheque off them for the VAT i paid so I can pay it
again over here, or get 'free' audiotrons to the value of the VAT I paid.
Now this is only worth doing if I know I have buyers for them.
The UKHA market seems to be to be pretty saturated with network MP3 players
so it may be more difficult to sell them - and I really don't want the
hassle if I have to go elsewhere.

So, any takers for 2 or 3 AT's or should I just get the cash off them and
have done with it?



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