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RE: My first weekend with the European AT


Glad you like the AT.

> been drilled to receive them.  In the UK I'd never heard of
> HPNA until I
> joined this list so I presume its only an American thing.  My

No it's not.  They took out HPNA coz it's too much hassle and expense to get
approval to connect things to the phone systems in Europe - that's what they
told me anyway :-)

> 5 songs a second I guess.  I've only got about 4.3GB of music but was
> surprised to see the song count go just over 2000.  The
> manual says that the
> AT is designed to take about 3000, hopefully I'll be able to
> squeeze in more.

Rob - it's _30_ thousand, not _3_ thousand!!!

> the links at the bottom for adding to the Queue.  I'd like it
> to be possible
> to configure these play buttons to "Add to queue" rather than
> "Play Now".

Join the support list and suggest this.  If enough ppl (ie more than one)
want it then they are usually happy to add things in....

> should be a bit more reliable.  I guess this allows me to
> explore some of
> the problems the HPNA users have been having, but with a

No, coz the European ones don't have hpna!!!

> * As a low tech solution to the bright power/remote LED I've
> drawn over the
> led with a black pen.  This seems to have lowered the
> intensity quite well,
> has anyone else any better solutions.  I don't want to open
> it up and add
> say a resistor to the LED until my 1 year warenty has passed.

Ummm...there's an option on one of the menus (from the front panel, not
AFAIK in the web interface) to change the LED intensity.
But if you want to go for a more permanent solution then go ahead :-)

> managed?  I already have 2000 songs but the manual says 3000,

A misprint.  Not read manual but trust me, it is about 30k songs.

> * Use a smaller, more subtle logo on the AT itself.  It
> certainly stands out
> from the crowd... "Whats that Turtle Beach box over there?"

A self prompting toy :-D


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