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RE: Meteor

> reality how many different people regularly call you? I've
> probably got about
> 30 numbers in my HSP phone book which took maybe 10 minutes
> to type in!  (perhaps I should get out more :-))

Granted, 30 isn't a huge number, but:
30 in Outlook
30 in HSP
30 in my mobile
30 in her mobile
30 in lounge DECT handset
30 in kitchen DECT handset.

See what I mean?

> Some other things that appealed to me about HSP

Useful to know these things but for me at least, I don't think they are
The cost is not offputting so much as the need for a modem.

> >  dunno if HS can talk to sockets directly.
> It cant.


> > IS there a way to compile Tivo code on a windoze machine? 
> I don't know if there is a windows compiler. Perhaps you
> could ask the guy who
> wrote YAC to modify it to work in that way?

Strangely enough, I am waiting for a reply from him as we sepak - his
website says he only adds stuff if it's useful to all.
I was just thinking that to retain backwards compatibility etc, it could be
simply modified so that if the string starts with "MSG:" then it is just
output as is, otherwise it's treated like a normal name/number pair......

> > it natively - and also mean no need for the .Net runtime or
> VB DLL's - C#
> > and VB are my languages so it'd be one of those I'd have to write it
> > in.....
> If the user has HS they will already have the VB runtimes installed.

Ah true.  Bugger, would have to go retro then.  Am too used to .net now :(

> As you know, caller id capable modems in the UK are scarce &
> unreliable and

Why I got meteor :/

> even if you have one we don't get CLI name info, hence the
> Meteor and (thanks
> to Vince) the ability to set CIDname & CIDnumber.

Who is vince?

I see what you're saying but seems OTT to have Meteor AND a modem!

> Having said that, if you have a virtual device which ,for
> example goes on, when  a call is detected, then that could be used as a
trigger to
> send CLI info to your Tivo or whatever. Seems like even more of a cludge
to me though!

Interesting, I was just saying to someone that really it should perhaps be
done as a virtual device that I just send the display text to!
Of course, no idea how to do a plugin (are there docs somewhere) or what
functions it would have to support, so doubt I'd be going that route.
If it _has_ to have an 'On' and 'Off' command for instance then yes, would
be a kludge.  If doesn't need those then as a virtual display device, I see
nowt wrong - but then as I say, I know nowt about plugins at this stage.....



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