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RE: Meteor

Quoting "BUTLER, Tony, FM" <roaming@xxxxxxx>:

> Extra bucks aside for HSP, I don't really want to have to extract the
> addresses - I'd like to keep everything in one place if poss as
> synchronisation tends not to work very well

On the face of it, it may seem like a problem syncing address books, but in
reality how many different people regularly call you? I've probably got about
30 numbers in my HSP phone book which took maybe 10 minutes to type in!
(perhaps I should get out more :-))

Some other things that appealed to me about HSP
Using HomeSeers built in web server, SWMBO & I can access our phonebook from
any web browser (3rd party script required).
If HSP is used as an answering system we can access voicemail messages from any
browser. (Handy if you are on holiday!)
As HS knows when we leave/enter the house it can set the number of answer rings
without intervention.
If we are out HS can send SMS (via email) informing us who called and if there
is a message.

I mention this as it may have appeared that HSP was only any good for looking
up names against numbers!

>  dunno if HS can talk to sockets directly.

It cant.

> I used the YAC client to do this.
> ATM it assumes you are getting name/number pair


> IS there a way to compile Tivo code on a windoze machine?  I am not a linux
> head - not even a C head, but I should be able to do enough to modify the
> tivo client to accept name/number pairs or general text.  I just dunno how
> i'd complie it is all :-)

I don't know if there is a windows compiler. Perhaps you could ask the guy who
wrote YAC to modify it to work in that way?

> I guess I could write a service/command line app and call it from HS when
> the ring event is fired.  It just seemed a 'neater' solution if HS could do
> it natively - and also mean no need for the .Net runtime or VB DLL's - C#
> and VB are my languages so it'd be one of those I'd have to write it
> in.....

If the user has HS they will already have the VB runtimes installed.

> I don't get it - if the Meteor can detect a call and CLID info, why do you
> need a modem too to detect it?  This is not a route I want to go down as I
> want to steer clear of such 'legacy' hardware as a modem :)

There is no way for a plugin to tell HomeSeer 'Incoming call' , 'Incoming call
with CID' etc. The only two phone related things that can be set are CIDname &
CID number.
The way HSP is supposed to work is to detect a call and it's associated CLI
information using a modem, it then passes this to HS.
As you know, caller id capable modems in the UK are scarce & unreliable and
even if you have one we don't get CLI name info, hence the Meteor and (thanks
to Vince) the ability to set CIDname & CIDnumber.

Having said that, if you have a virtual device which ,for example goes on, when
a call is detected, then that could be used as a trigger to send CLI info to
your Tivo or whatever. Seems like even more of a cludge to me though!


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  • References:
    • RE: Meteor
      • From: "BUTLER, Tony, FM" <roaming@xxxxxxx>
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