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Lighten up David!!

I'm insulting your choice of OS, not your mother :P

> Linux doesn't generally use 3rd party drivers for servers. That's
the point...

Errr, what?

So, I pop off to Adaptec's page and download the Linux driver for a shiny
new SATA Raid card, and that's not a 3rd party driver how? Or (case in
point) I scurry off to the highpoint website and download their dodgy as
hell, unreliable and buggy driver for this ATA raid card, and that's not a
3d Party Driver?

> And I think *anyone* would think you're on shifting sands calling
from the Windows camp!

Only because of the FUD being spread by Linux zealots!! Run half decent kit
on the WHQL, use signed drivers only and you won't see a BSOD. Ever. The
last time I saw an unreliable windows server (that wasn't cobbled together
from B-grade components) was in NT4 days.

> Whereas with Windows your time is free?

You are grabbing the wrong end of the stick mate. I'm not saying that Linux
sucks, windows rocks. I'm saying that sweeping statements such as
"Linux is
massively better to have on a home server" are horse.

If you are into Linux, it's better - but it's better because of the
enjoyment it gives you, not because of any supposed superiority of the OS.

> And UKHA is just stuffed with non-geeks?

No, but the target market for Home automation is. Phil was talking the
day about the failures of HA - one of the more thoughtful posts I have read
in a while.

The clear thing he was coming to - hiding the complexity, and burying it so
deep that users don't even have to know there's a computer involved.

If there's one thing that windows does a hell of a lot more than Linux,
burying the complexity away - hell, as a geek hobbyist it's frustrating as
hell sometimes that you can't get at stuff in Windows so easily...

For the home user, that's a good thing.

> Still, if you're feeling insecure about your life-choices I suppose
rant helped.

Life choices??? Huh?

Get a grip - we are talking about which OS to run on a home server. It's
about as much a life choice as whether to go for a blue car or a red car.

Contrary to what the slashdot sychophants think, nobody is going to live or
die on whether you use Linux or Windows!!!

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