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RE: Wind Power

Already done it :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gareth Cook [mailto:g@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 18 January 2005 19:22
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: Fw: [ukha_d] Wind Power

Seen the Global Dimming docu. on BBC2 last week ? Very scary stuff

If you want (your grandkids) to survive, head for the hills and build a
waterproof house that can survive on wind power alone !


Gareth Cook
SWG EMEA North Account Manager
IBM SWG - BTE Office - Lotus Park, Staines, TW18 3AG
Office: +44 (0)1784 445166 - Mobile: +44 (0)7980 445166
AIM Chat : TheBoyG - MSN Chat : chat@xxxxxxx
email: g@xxxxxxx

----- Forwarded by Gareth Cook/UK/IBM on 18/01/2005 19:16 -----

Main Topic

James Fidell <james@xxxxxxx>
Today 18:57

Re: [ukha_d] Wind Power

Quoting Dave Harris (dh140770@xxxxxxx):
> This is very interesting.
> So the government give you 1000, the Windsave costs 1050.  Any idea
> installation costs are ?

And how much the price will go up once they get certified for a
clear skies grant?

> What is the 'average' house bill.  Ours is 40 quid p/m

Hellfire. I'd kill to have an electricity bill that low. Mine's nearer
140 quid p/m. But then my office is at home, we have a child (soon two)
in nappies meaning the washing machine and tumble drier are almost
permanently on, and a swimming pool with a fairly hefty electric pump.
Oh, and there's the electric fence for the hens, though that's hardly a
large drain.


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