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Re: Barcode DB Technical WAS: Re: barcode scanner and automated shopping

> I suppose it depends on how people intend to use the database. The
> initial thread was regarding automated grocery shopping and hence I
> think there is a need for tables specifically aimed at the 'Big 4
> supermarkets'.

This could be cool - how about going off to local 'big 4' site and checking
latest prices - or even setting an override rule if its cheaper at Asda
against Sainsburys :?

> But I guess that is the question, how many people are there with
> scanners that would use such a system?

If this takes off - I would think the personal data acquisition side would
be more 'personal' with respect that its up to the end user to 'key' the
code from a touch screen on your fridge or scan with a wand... this is more
into the back end databases now...

hell - open the thing up to a general public www service :)

Can I have shares please!:::)))


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