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Re: Autom8it nolonger free?

>>mmm... =A360 for the full licence - I also thought it was an
ongoing free
>app :-((
>I believe the author has always stated that it was free during its
>beta testing phase, and would soon change to purchase only software.
>So I wasn't surprised to hear this myself.

I was suprised, I hadn't seen that it was going to be chargeable. This
is one of the reasons I was directing people away from Homeseer.=20
I was under the impression that it would be free and because of that
people were happily developing plugins for it.=20

Putting the legal issues anyone would face aside, imagine someone
thought they could take xAP and license it to a manufacturer. Since
most of the development has been done by disperate groups no one
person owns it. I'm not saying autom8it is the same but they did both
evolve because of (imho) a desire for free HA applications - in autom8it's
case plugins etc. I know the developers have put a LOT of work into=20
autom8it, but tbh it's popularity and a lot of users came solely from
the fact that it was free..

>Given the sheer amount of work, months and months of graft &
>that goes into software development=20

I know, from my experience of HomeAutomator, it takes a lot of hard=20
work to get things going and keep the momentum up...

>I certainly don't begrudge the chap charging. Just my own POV!

Perhaps I missed the fact that it was going to at some point to become
chargeable, but the fact that I understood it was going to be free and
then turned out to be something you have to pay for colours my opinion...
I have to disagree with on this one...

all imho


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