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Re: X10 Kits for sale...

Hi Paul,

Wednesday, August 15, 2001, 12:30:22 PM, you wrote:
Paul> Hi chaps,

Paul> Sorry I haven't done anything with these for a while, - I was away
for a
Paul> long weekend, and I've been quite busy since I got back.

Paul> I have still got all the responses received for the kits that I've
got, but
Paul> there is going to be a slight change to the availability...
Basically, SWMBO
Paul> suggested that a couple of these kits might make a good Xmas
present for my
Paul> brother-in-law, which thinking about it, is probably true! - so
I'm going to
Paul> put aside a couple of the ones I got at £13.99 for him, plus I'm
Paul> thinking now that I might also need a couple of extra ones myself
- I'm
Paul> considering putting a mini-timer in the other bedrooms as well as
Paul> master, and X10'ing the guest bedrooms (which I previously hadn't
Paul> to do, as I rarely use them!).

Paul> Therefore, there are only going to be a very few kits available at
Paul> ridiculously low price of £13.99, but I have got the additional
ones I got
Paul> in Wigan the other day at the £19.99 and £24.99 prices.

Paul> I guess all I really need to know is whether any of the people who
Paul> and requested the £13.99 kits, still want them at £19.99 or not...
As usual,
Paul> answers on a postcard please!

Paul> Paul G.

Yep I'm still up for them, but will answers on an email do?

Best regards,


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