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Re: Is it cheaper to leave your heating on?

I had to run my system on 24H due to a faulty boiler and was shocked
find that the quarter Dec/Jan/Feb  that i ran it 24H was only 60% of the
previous quarter (Sept/Oct/Nov)- i.e. warmer months. However,  I was
turning down the valves downstairs overnight and setting them back up in
the morning which would also have an effect, but I have been left with the
feeling that it is cheaper - but naturally it depends on many factors, size
of house, type of boiler, insulation etc.

One day I will do a proper test, but my impression is that it potentially
can be less expensive - in terms of gas anyway. Its worth trying.

On 27 February 2013 09:01, Howard <howardsixtynine@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> **
> I've heard this a few times, and it sounds like an old wives tale to
> Apparently it can use less energy leaving your heating on all the time
> if you have it on a timer. Basic physics says this is rubbish, but
there is
> something about it keeping condensation out of the walls and so
> their insulation.
> If there's anyone out there who has good data to confirm or disprove
> it'll be someone on Automated Home. Have any of you tried it out and
> some conclusive results?
> Thanks
> Howard

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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