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Mythtv - bit the bullet

  • Subject: Mythtv - bit the bullet
  • From: Ian Oliver <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 10:59:52 GMT

I've been looking at mythtv for several years, but it's never all come
together. Front-ends that were small, quiet, flexible, affordable and
HD ready just didn't seem to exist.

Then along came the Acer Aspire Revo R3600/R3610 and this changed. I'm
now just at the start of getting everything going. I have a single
R3600 running Mythbuntu and a backend made of scrap with just a single
tuner. Even so, it's all very impressive, particularly mythweb.

I have also got physical DVDs playing from a DVD drive in the backend
using usbip. This needs work regards suspend/resume but looks like a
workable solution.

I'm now going to grab another couple of R3600s, make a proper backend
with multiple tuners (advice for something energy efficient with either
PCI, PCIe or USB tuners, or even hdhomerun gratefully received) and
work out what to do about remote controls.

I bought a MCE remote, but it acts as a HID kbd+mouse, and isn't very
lirc friendly. What do others do about remotes? I'd like something
affordable, with loads of buttons, that my MX-500 remote can learn the
codes of, and ideally where I can buy one remote and 3-4 USB receivers.

Ian Oliver
Sunny Leeds, UK
Using Java on Tini for control via Dallas 1-wire


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