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Re: Wireless to Wired - or homeplug


HomePlug is unreliable with surge protectors.

There are two ways to do it with WiFi.

Method 1: Use an access point. Unfortunately neither the DG834GT nor
WRT54G offer an access point mode, so you'll need another box.

Method 2: Use a pair of routers in bridge mode.  Configuring routers
is quite challenging but bridge mode is a recognised standard so ought
to work between different manufacturers.  If you keep faffing with
config changes you might run into issues with lease renewals (which
can take up to an hour unless you power-cycle *both* routers). On the
DG834GT bridge mode is a hidden setup option.  Google for details.
This is probably the option I would try first.


On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Paul Crate <CrateP@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I want to add some network points to a room where I can't really get
> cables in. =A0I can get my wireless in this room so I was wondering if
> possible to put a wireless router in there and allow the signal to
> out of the Ethernet ports on that router.
> So I have
> Internet ---- Main ADLS Modem (Linksys WAG160N) ------ =A0Another
> router (I have a DG834GT and Linksys WRT54G) --- Wired Device
> I am not bothered about providing wireless access on the second router
> just the WAG160N.
> I have seen there are a couple of routers that allow the wireless in
> bridged mode but then comments say that this will only work with
> of the same make and model. =A0I have put a Linux build on my WRT54G
> allows access to the WDS settings but I still couldn't get that going
> (using WPA2 security on the wireless).
> Am I trying to do something that can't really be done.
> Another option is to use some Ethernet homeplugs. =A0How are these
> surge and non surge power strips?
> Thanks
> Paul


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