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Apple at it again..

Apple have modified itunes so that Palm pre phones can't sync media.

I purposely didn't comment on Phil's recent ipod touch issue, because my
opinions on Apple the company have been aired enough.. but this is just

I would *love* to buy an ipod touch. I think it's the most elegant sexy
control device you could possibly want for a home environment... I quite
seriously looked at buying the airport express as a media streaming
solution... I think the Air is quite possibly the most beautiful laptop
ever built (although, I would run vista on it, not macos)

But how can you buy stuff from a company who abuses it's position like

If this was Microsoft trying to kill a competing product by deliberately
breaking and obfuscating APIs, they would have the EU and DOJ all over them
for anti-trust, but apple's market dominance in MP3 players is far larger
than Microsoft's OS monopoly...

Perhaps it's about time for the regulators to get involved. it would be
good to see Apple get slapped up and down the place a bit by the EU
commission until they start playing nice with others.

It's just really annoying, because you have a company with a real flair for
producing beautiful design and well tested and thought out products... who
have an utterly evil and draconian way of doing  business. :(


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