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RE: RS232

I'm back again with another question :-)

I now have my AV Amp and DVD playing working a treat via RS232.
So feeling brave on my afternoon off I thought I would tackle my 4x4
HDMI matrix.
With my newly purchased USB to Serial converter (I'll probably find the
old one any day now!) and putty (thanks Paul) I can connect to my matrix
and send commands perfectly. The instructions are somewhat limited but
simply say; select the input/output you want and press enter.
So with a terminal window open I can type "A1" and press
"Enter" and
wehey it selects input A and output 1. to my pronto serial extender. As I said before you
can add a string using ASCII or HEX but I'll be buggered if I can get it
to work. I've tried:


But none of those work. No doubt I just have zero understanding!

Thanks in advance.


-----Original Message-----
From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Dave McLaughlin
Sent: 01 February 2009 12:08
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] RS232

Having interfaced to so many RS232 devices over the years I wonder if
might find the following information helpful in determining which pin is

Normally the device has either a 9 way or a 25 way. If you don't have
wiring information, it is quite easy to find which pin is TX and which
RX. This is assuming they are on pins 2 & 3 as normal which it most
is if using the standard D type connector.

Using a multimeter, check for a voltage between pins 2 and ground (pin 5
the 9 way and pin 7 on the 25 way) and pins 3 and ground.

If you find anything from -3V to -12V then this the transmit pin. The
receive pin will have virtually no reading on it. By the way, do this
the connecting cable disconnected. If this device is transmitting you
see a small change in the voltage and it will go positive if there is a
transmission but this depends on how good your meter is.

Now repeat this on the other device and now you know which pins to

If you need handshaking, you can repeat this process but generally RTS
CTS will always be the same for all connectors, it has generally been
from my own experience that the TX and RX pins are the 2 that catch you
and my quick and dirty meter check has saved me a lot of head scratching
the past.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rob Mouser
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>
> Sent: 25 January 2009 20:53
> Subject: [ukha_d] RS232
> Hi All
> I'm getting all confused with RS232 on my Arcam AVR350 Amp. I'm
> trying
> to send RS232 commands to it from my Pronto 9600 serial extender.
> extender software gives me two choice "ASCII" or
"HEX". Page 38 of
> the
> manual details the RS232 settings but I'll be buggered if I can get
> them
> to work but to be honest I'm not completely sure I understand the
> document!
> If any kind sole fancies taking a look at the manual and telling me
> what
> strings and format I should be using for (say Zone 1 On and Off) I
> would
> be very grateful.
> I was going to try and test sending commands to the Amp via
> HyperTerminal (if that program still exists) but soon realised that
> no
> longer have a PC with a serial port and can't find my USB to Serial
> dongle anywhere!
> Isn't it amazing how you can waste a Sunday afternoon!
> Rob

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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