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Re: Selling an automated house?

  • Subject: Re: Selling an automated house?
  • From: "Mal Lansell" <mal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:24:17 -0000

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Peter and Jane"
<pandj.munnoch@...> wrote:
>   I would also recommend against too much reference etc it in the
property details. You will simply put buyers off!
>   Lastly the level of "desire" for automation will be driven
by your potential market sector. Don't expect Mr & Mrs 2.4 Children to
be even slightly interested, a professional couple might be different. The
style and value of the property also plays a key part, both mine are/were
very contemporary and finished to a high standard (Well in my eyes
anyway!). The automation was designed to compliment the design more than
appeal to the gadget lover.
>   In short don't lose sight of the fact that you (and us!) are niche
and in the minority. When selling a house you want to appeal to as many
people as possible so don't appeal to the niche!!!!
>   Something tells me all that wasn't very helpful ;-)

Sounds like a very practical approach to me.

I'm not surprised that most people might be put off by an automated home. 
It might be fine for us, but for everyone else, just keeping a PC running
is painful enough, without having to rely on it for basic household
functionality.  And how much is it going to cost to fix when it goes wrong?

The fact that home automation does not add value to a home is a reason why
I would be very reluctant to install something like C-Bus.  Sure it would
work for me, but I'd rather have something I can easily rip out and take
with me than have to leave it behind creating problems for people who would
proabably rather not have it at all.



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