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[Slightly OT] Bolier woes

Automated Home Discussion> I have a heat store system. The tank
itsef is not
at mains pressure,

Same here, Thermal Store has been in three years now and very happy with
250 Litres of water kept at about 65c with a long length of finned copper
going through it to warm the water as it comes off the mains. Benefits
include mains pressure hot water that never runs out - and the hot is
drinkable so the kettle is filled with it - then takes less than a minute
boil !

Another benefit is that you can use just about any type of fuel/heat/boiler
system to warm the water. I currently use a mix of LPG and E7 but will
likely be using something more eco and local in the next few years.

Downsides - in theory in summer you "waste" energy as you are
storing water
at high temp all day - in practice you insulate the store and the losses
negligable - only other issue is the majority of the plumbing and heating
trade don't like them (for no good reason, probably just because they were
invented less than 50 years ago !) so you may have issues with servicing /
repairs.  Also likely to confuse the people doing HIPs.....

Coming back slight to topic - I fitted too much control in to my system,
house has Under Floor Heating throughout and I fitted a thermostat in each
of the 15 rooms. As the house is mainly open plan with internal doors never
shut and it also has a whole house heat recovery system it is really not
necessary to control the temp in each room. 4 or 5 thermostats would have
been ample and would also have made the wiring much easier !

David C

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