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Re: Re: Storage subsystem for HA server

eg: when I set out, I sort of expected the Dell (as I thought it would
be) needed to do the job, would cost maybe 300GPB - 400 tops - and by
the time I got to the Mini-ITX it was 700 going-on 800 .. and that was
with lots of compromises ... like having it pretty much doing just the
one thing ...


eg; when I set-out to get a PC to run the HA, I started with Dell, and
IBM ('forget the new name, begins with L ... ), and worked my way to
Mini-ITX / VIA ... and in each case I found it needed extras (software
hardware) to do the job, for which I had to dig & dig, 'cos they
obvious at first sight ... ten-to-one, I'd buy it & find there was more
that was needed ... whereas the Xserve (as do the 'Mac's) seems to come
complete ...

then again, I'm new to this, and you know what you're doing !


Ian Lowe wrote:

>>plus going the PC route seems to be a recipe for getting sucked-in
>lots of unplanned costs over time ... which we've found tends not to be
>the case with Apple ...
>See, I just don't get this...
>The only reasons I have ever had for upgrading my hardware are
>failure, or because my needs changed. If you have a windows server just
>ticking away, doing it's do, then it will do the same job for years
>ever needing new hardware until something fails.
>The unplanned costs over time are because the platform provides you
with so
>many new things to try that you grow the requirements beyond the
>and start asking the server to do more and more with each passing year.
>The Xserve units always leave me cold - if you want a nice desktop OS,
>are great, and parallels brings a whole new dimension to that, but if
>want a general purpose server, you simply cannot beat Server 2003 R2,
or one
>of the variety of Linux SME distros, if you have an anti-microsoft
>Xserve strikes me as not solving any technical need, just providing
>route for Mac Zealots to purchase from the Temple of Jobs!!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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