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Re: Easyspace

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "biggles299" <charles@...>
> Anybody out there got any comments about easyspace as a hoster.
> Thanks
> Bruised after rapid and Ariel.......

/me briefly delurks after a long absence!

I was with Easyspace a few years ago (before Rapid came and went!) and
I hated the fact that they embeded javascript adverts onto your web
content when you were paying for hosting, unless you went up a price
tier or something.... you could get around it easily but it was more
the principle of the thing!

I am currently with Ariel, although I'm not sure what's happening at
all.... at the moment my email is working (without spam filtering) but
when I try and log into cpanel I'm getting offered a certificate
signed by a totally different url, which I've not accepted, so I'm
basically looking for a new host before this one really does go big bang!

What is the general consensus as the best hoster for imap email with
spam filtering and ability to host a basic web site? (although rapid
and ariel where suggestions from the list so maybe asking here is not
the best idea ;-> )

Cheers guys


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