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Geovision users - Question...

Hey Chaps,

I'm getting really confused (and more than a little annoyed too it must
be said) at the FUD around Geovision software upgrade version

Let me set the scene...

I have a GV650 that I bought 3 or 4 years ago, which came with version
5.x software. I've been meaning to upgrade to a newer version for quite
some time, so this weekend I thought I'd give it ago, - coupled with the
fact that I needed to go to Henry's anyway to get a new camera for the
front door.

Now, I've been aware for some time, thanks to the other GV users on this
group, that there was a hardware modification a couple of years ago as
an anti-piracy measure, which meant that new versions of the software
would only work with new versions of the cards, thanks to some extra
anti-piracy hardware checks... However, it was also my understanding
that existing users would continue to be supported by making this
hardware available in the form of a USB dongle. So all along, I've been
of the belief that all I needed to do was to obtain one of these
dongles, and I would be good to go... Whilst I was at Henrys yesterday,
I therefore asked about getting a dongle (I bought my GV card from
them), but the guy behind the counter claims that the abovementioned
belief is incorrect!! He stated that the absolute latest software
version I could run was 6.1, that a dongle would be of no use to me,
that a dongle would not allow me to run the latest software, and that I
didn't need one. - He claims that the dongle only works with the new
versions of the card...

This doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not sure I believe he's right...
- so can someone here who runs a Geovision system tell me *definitively*
- what is the purpose of this Geovision dongle that I keep hearing

Google isn't even remotely helpful on this one either,  -  I've just
spent an hour searching, and am none the wiser...

If he's right, and my GV650 card is obsolete, I will be pretty p*ssed
off with Geovision!

Cheers all

Paul G.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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