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Re: Sensors

On 5/1/06, Chris Hunter <cjhunter@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> 'wonder what the best list of sensors for HA would be ?
> PIRs (several)

Enough to give continuous coverage based on their coverage area. Or at
a minimum coverign door regions. But continous is better.
> inside temperature (more than one, maybe)

One per room or at least per heating zone. Or maybe more if you have huge

> outside temperature (just one ?)

One - unless you've got some special reason. You'd want shaded zone
really. Unless you are also controlling a greenhouse perhaps.

> inside humidty (more than one, maybe)

Depends on your ventilation system. If you've whole house venting, you
might want one per room/zone. Arguably related to heating so per zone.
> reed-switches (more than one ... )
For what ? I have reed switches on all doors.

> pressure-pad (one or more)
Probably special purposes only if you have door switches and PIRs. I
was thinking of using one to detect standing in front of the basin.
But not sure of the reliability.

> light-level (more than one ...)
Outside plus one per room or lighting zone.

> glass-break (more than one ...)
Depends how you feel about security. I get the impression that these
are not commonly used anymore.
> carbon-monoxide (more than one ...)

I would have though near combustion devices only.

> rain (one, probably)
> wind (one)
> CCTV (one or more)
Multiple, depending on the coverage youy want.

> Chris

PS: other sensor possibilities can be considered, eg leak sensors,
water/oil levels, pipe temperature, eleccy meter reading etc etc.



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