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RE: Re: Show report

Hi Neil.
I did try to say hello on Saturday, but you were busy every time I
. - I did however, have a very productive chat with your colleague.
I'm quite impressed with the Hometronic system, it appears very
. - actually "too complete" for my needs (if there is such a
thing!)... I'm=
at the point where I'm seriously tempted to explore it further, but I also=
have this nagging feeling that it is "overkill" for my very
modest needs..=
. (I suppose that is probably the HA equivalent of "heresy"??)
I already have a Comfort system, and I already have CBUS in for lighting.
very shortly I will have the two of those linked up.. I also have a Homese=
er PC which is fully conversant with Comfort. I therefore have no need of
ometronic's own telephone or web interfaces, since I already have both of
hose sorted.. (Comfort provides telephone access, Homeseer provides web).
also have no need of any of Hometronics' other lighting or HA functionalit=
y since that's all pretty much taken care of too... In fact, the only
that I _do_ need is bringing the existing central heating system under the=
control my existing HA system. - And even there, I suspect that Hometronic=
is "too good" for what I need it to do... - I have a fairly
modest 3-bed V=
ictorian semi, - not very well insulated internally (big gaps at the
of doors etc), so heat tends to percolate around our house rather than sta=
ying in a particular room... so it's "almost" invalid to consider
our house=
as having very many separate zones - TBH, "upstairs" and
"downstairs" are =
about as far as we discriminate, - although of course at the moment we
t even have that degree of zone control, since it's a bog-standard
iler system with radiators, with nothing more than on/off/timed control
r the whole lot. We do have TRV's on almost all the rads as well, but
y change any of them except for one in a little-used guest bedroom... So
be honest, I don't think would make a great deal of use of the
settings that are available either..
I think all I really *need* (i.e. can justify the expenditure for) is a
ple interface between the CH and Comfort... I suspect this needs to be
le more than on / off control over the CH side of the boiler... I want to
e able to have comfort automatically turn the heating off when there's
ne in the house - I don't bother with any of this set-back nonsense... -
e system doesn't take very long to warm the place up from cold, so when we
aren't there, we turn it off... I also want to be able to dial and/or
rowse in from outside and turn the heating on in advance (we came home to
cold house on Sunday when we got back from the show) - It would have been =
nice to phone ahead from the car and turn it on a couple of hours before
arrived... - but I wouldn't particularly have wanted to have left it on ov=
er Saturday as well... I'd also like to be able to turn the heating on or
ff from anywhere in the house, and have feedback available showing the
ent CH status - again, with Comfort in control of the boiler, I could use
CBUS switch to do both of the above...
Lastly, I was a little bit concerned about the "We supply, you fit, we
ission" approach... - I'd prefer to have the whole package taken care
of in=
one go... since I'd need to employ both a plumber and a sparky to fit ever=
ything (plumbing is the ONE area I tend to stay well clear of). Also, I
't currently have an off-board room thermostat connected up to my CH
, - I rely purely on the TRV's, - so there's no easy interface point to
boiler without taking the covers off it and getting at the control board..=
- I know there is an interface on there somewhere for a t-stat, but I don'=
t have the circuit diagrams for the boiler mainboard, so this piece of
would also best be performed by someone at least a bit more qualified than=
So, it's an impressive system, but I think I've just talked myself out of
rying to squeeze this one past "credit control" ;-)  Will keep it
in mind f=
or the next house though... - we plan on cashing in on the Olympics in a
w years!
Paul G.


From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx on behalf of Neil Ball
Sent: Mon 06/03/2006 14:27
To: UKHA_D Group
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: Show report

You have to remember that stand space costs around =A3350 a square metre,
factor in the costs of stand materials, getting it
transported/built/dismantled and staffing/accommodation for 5 days so it's
not surprising that show has the bias that is does. And the "are you
self-building or in the trade" is a simple (if somewhat blunt!) filter
try and distinguish potential customers from the tyre kickers - we're there
to try and sell our products after all :-) Our little stand cost us more
than =A310k when everything is factored in so I cannot even begin to
what Siemens must spend for their mobile home.

Anyway the show's over for another year so thanks to everyone who said
at the Sensible Heat stand and let us pitch our wares, most visitors were
very pleasant to talk to and no-one gave us too hard a time!

Neil B.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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