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Sweat Equity anyone?

Right, as per my earlier email just after new year, vis-a-vis my
resoutions for 2006, I have resolved that this will be the year that I
*finally* see some of my HA projects through to completion, and make use of
some of the work I started years ago that has been sitting there just
waiting for me to get "a round tuit"

Based on my experience from the last few years, I'm pretty sure that I'll
just not be able to do it all myself, - many reasons, including lack of
time, self-discipline, limited resources, limited skill-set etc... so I
think I'm going to see if on at least a couple of occasions during the year
I can call upon some "sweat equity" from the ever-helpful

So, would anyone fancy the idea, at some point later in the year, -
probably summertime when it's nice & warm.. of coming round to my place
in East London for a weekend, or a day here, day there kind of thing, and
giving me a hand with finishing off some of my (many!) outstanding HA

No "actual" payment, except for as much free food / beer / wine
as you can get through, the opportunity to rummage through my "surplus
to requirements" tub and snaffle anything that might have a 2nd use,
and of course the chance to see and play with some HA kit that you may not
have seen/played with before. Also, I'd of course be willing to return the
favour in future...

Some of the things that I need to try & get finished are:

CAT5 cabling - there's loads in place that's not (to my eternal shame)
labelled or punched down, so requires a bit of tracing with a tone-set
(I've already bought one!), and then labelling & punching down.

X10 to CBUS upgrades - got a tub full of CBUS modules that need to be
installed, wired up, and programmed.

Boiler automation - I've always wanted to get my Central heating under HA
control, and have pre-wired a number of elements to support this, but need
to actually figure out how to interface to the boiler without blowing it
(or myself) up, or invalidating the care plan...

Node zero construction - already done a fair bit in the cellar, but still
some more to do, including a bit of plumbing to reroute some heating pipes
away from the Comfort panel, and some woodwork etc..

Anyone up for it?


Paul G.

PS, if you want to have a look at a few of the things I've started, you can
see some of them on

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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