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Today is day 9 for me, and of course the connection has been down
18.30 (connected through a neighbour again).  I'm not sure why 10 days is
the magic number, nor why they can't do at least some of their training
during the night (maybe they need the high contention rates seen during the
evening??), but I really hope it sorts itself out from day 11.  Either way,
I wasn't pre-warned of what is around a 30% outage rate, or nearer 50% in
terms of when I'd normally be using it.



From: Ian Lowe [mailto:ianlowe@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 April 2006 21:57
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] ADSL Max

Be aware, it will screw your connection for ten days - we migrated a week
ago, and the line is still shafted - I'm with Eclipse's Evolution service,
and went from a 1Mb max line to *probably* about 3.5Mb down 448k up.

I say probably, because the best download speed I have had since the
is about 200kbps, and that for a minute or so, before it dropped back to
a second.

Yep, ADSL Max turns your line into ISDN * 2 for ten days while the profile
is trained. (it seems that people on marginal lines have a worse experience
as the system tried to figure out your baseline maximum speed without CRC

I'm patiently waiting for the ten days to end so that I can see what we


-----Original Message-----
From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Neil Ball
Sent: 26 April 2006 16:33
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] ADSL Max

Any ADSL Max users out there yet?

I had my office changed (Eclipse Internet) and am happy with the results -
only 3.5Mb downstream on this particular connection but it is still cheaper
than the old 2Mb business rate previously charged so faster/cheaper than

I'm particularly interested in the results from anyone on list who had a
512K or 1Mb service before due to their distance from the exchange. At home
I have a 1Mb service and although my SNR is good my line attenuation is
sitting in the mid 50's. I'm wondering if I will get any improvement by
changing over to ADSL Max. It's a few quid a month extra compared to the
fixed service I'm on just now so financially only worthwhile if I do see a
speed increase.

Neil B.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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