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Re: [OT] My mini experience

On 4 May 2005, at 06:08, Tony Butler wrote:

>>> and can never remember which dot is minimise/close/whatever
>>> otherone does - where's the "maximise" button when
you need it?
>> <coughs politely and wiggles eyebrows>...
> I know the green(?) thing does *something* - but it's not really
> maximise -
> it resizes things in some way that is not "maximised".
> To me, "maximised" is "fills the whole screen"...
> Or is there something else?

The green dot "optimises" the window size i.e. if you have a
graphic it will resize the window to fit the graphic. If you have
content that will fit in a bigger window it will make the window
bigger. This seems a much more logical and useful arrangement than
just having a maximise option.

I also like the way the red dot has a black dot in it if you've
changed a document without saving it. Once saved, the black dot

Just noticed that if you hover over the yellow and green dots you get
a - and + appearing - not sure if this is new with tiger!


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