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One word... Moronic.

And that could be applied either to the idiot who sold modded Xboxes,
*WITH GAMES INSTALLED* and the court system which seems to think that
the problem here is not the piracy of the games, but the modification of
the console. This guy is an absolute textbook case of piracy - selling
copyright material for money - so why is the modification of the console
the big issue?

How many of us here have modded Xboxes to run XBMC and act as a media

Personally, I don't play a single xbox game - it's a cool bit of
hardware, nothing more. That I could be charged with "circumventing
copyright protection" when I have no interest *whatsoever* in doing so
is just plain infuriating.

The sooner this ludicrous situation with regards to "piracy" and
"copyright" is sorted out the better - it's out of all proportion
what any sane person would consider fair.


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