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Help on Java on a Pocket PC

Asking in desperation that there is a Java guru here.

I have a cctv app (iVista) that streams video to web pages using a
Java applet.  All works just fine on notmal PCs.

However, I thought it would be good to stream a small image to a
Pocket PC at a low refresh rate.  (This would be really neat as I
could pop up a browser window on the ppcs when the doorbell is pressed
or motion detected.) However, Web page comes up but just as a blue
rectangle - no Java on the PPC I guessed.

After some investigation I found that Sun do not support Java on PPC
(Windows 2003 Mobile Edition).  Go figure that one!

Fortunately, I found that IBM do have a Java VM for the PPC.  Duely
downloaded  and installed a free trial version from Handango - and
installed the runtime environment on the PPC.  It comes with a bundled
Java application and that runs just fine so it looks like the JRE is
there and the test app finds it.

However, the Java applet still does not run (same blue rectangle
instead  of video).  This has me stumped.

(I cant 'see' any type of JRE 'application' sitting in the programes
etc so don't know if it kicks of automatically.  Cant see on the ppc
if there is a JRE 'process' running.)

If anyone knows how a applet picks up / initiates the JRE on a PPC or
what I might not be doing right, please share!



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