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Re: HA alarm intergation.

Hi brian,

Brian Milton wrote:

>Just a quick one!  I have installed a HKC alarm into my house,

>So I was wondering if it was possible to connect my PC to the serial
>and use some sort of software to listen to anything that it may output
>try input a few commands.  Would this be possible with the likes of
This is probably possible - the 4 wires will likely be RX TX GND and
maybe +5V or +12V (one could be a CTS signal)  - I would recommend
initially a scope rather than just serial attachment if that was
possible.  Looking at the pcb track wiring will probably identify the
power supply pins.  The worry would be sticking RS232 out from your PC
into the panels RS232 output - normally it doesn't harm but it could if
the design was poor.  This o/p could be 5V level rather than true RS232
too.  You also need to guess the speed although 1200, 2400 or 9600 are
favourites (poss 19.2 or 38.4)  8N1

However - and here's the bad news - the protocol that the alarm uses is
likely to be very complex, and not something you will be able to reverse
engineer. (assuming it isnt a standard). It also likely to be
interactive - ie do this get this back  then do this type of thing...
Just arbitrarily entering codes could set states in the alarm panel that
you are unaware of and make it unuseable eg disabling zones/features or
creating timers or something. I also suspect that almost nothing will
come out the serial port until you 'enable' it and you may not know how
to achieve that. If the panel supports 'logging' or printer output that
may be a route. My recommendation would be to explore all the avenues ie
official and unofficial ;-)  to get hold of the software, even then you
may need the protocol too as otherwise you can only achieve what the
software app allows.

(having been in a similar position for my Galaxy alarm ... for a while)

>Also the serial connection on the board is a white 4 pin connector like
>ones on a motherboard for sound etc.  Do these type of connections have
>name so I could see if I could get a cable to connect to my pc if I
>get one from HCK them selves.
>Any help would be great
Maybe 'Molex' make one....

>P.S.  Maybe that wasn't a quick one ;)

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