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RE: Re: Introduction and first questions

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Harrison (Yahoo!) [mailto:mph@xxxxxxx]
> The reason that I _don't_ do this, and went to the hassle of setting
up a
> name-based reverse proxy is simple.
> I sometimes need to access house from client sites. The bulk of my
> are large companies with restrictive Internet policies.
> Something I commonly come across is that port 80 traffic is
> allowed out, but
> higher ports are blocked :-(
> Anyone needing to access their house from work should try to determine
> whether ports are locked down in this way.


As you say, using your method only requires that Port 80 is allowed through
the companies firewall. What happens if there is NO DIRECT access to Port
or Port 445 and ALL INTERNET ACCESS is via Proxy servers ?

At work we have NO direct access and sometimes we get very strange things
happening. For instance, if I type in "" my website
always loads
OK but using "" I sometimes get a compression
error that
prompts me to save the file to disk. It only happens with a default page
becuase if I type "" it will load OK.

Its definately something to do with our Proxy servers and only ever seems
affect "" domains ("" or
"" always work OK even
though they are hosted on the same serveras

I also experience trouble with Internet banking from work. Sometimes it is
fine, other times I log in OK then go to do something and get thrown back
the login screen again, presumably due to hitting a different proxy.

Do you thing that the Apache Reverse Proxy method would work OK under the
above conditions ?

Using non standard ports isnt an option as they are also locked down.



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