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OT: Grand Designs Episode 5 BitTorrent Release

Hi Guys,

As is the weekly tradition, I've got a VCD quality MPEG-1 of Grand
Designs out as a BitTorrent.

Existing BitTorrent users, here's the link:-

Previous episodes of this series are still currently available but not
for too long! - **I'm planning on shutting down 1 & 2 this week so if
you want them, get them *NOW* **

Thanks to everyone who seeds them :)


The file on my site is a few k and is a BitTorrent file. BitTorrent is a
peer-2-peer file sharing system.

First thing you'll need is a BitTorrent client. My favourite client with
the most features is ABC -
that (or any other BitTorrent client program)

Once you have a client, you want to give it the torrent file - either
save to disc from the link I gave and double click it
, or
ABC has the ability to directly add from URLs which you can use.

After this happens, your client will scan for seeds - people with the
file available and their client open and allowing upload. At the moment,
there is only 1 seed, me! Your client tries to connect to as many seeds
as possible and download random bits of the file to assemble it. The
more seeds that have the file available, the faster your download will
happen (obviously limited by the speed of your connection though!) So as
more people start to download, the number of seeds increases.

One of the major problems that people get is a speed issue if they're
behind a NAT'd connection (firewall, router etc). If this is the case
and you get very low download speeds (eg < 1k/sec), then you'll want to
setup port forwarding on your router - forward TCP ports 6881 through
6999 to the machine running the client.

In BitTorrent, the general etiquette is to have your client open and
uploading the file for as long as possible after the download has
completed, to keep it available to others as fast as possible. This is
particularly important with a release like this, since it's a small
group of users on UKHA_D.

Hope that explains everything! If you have any further questions, drop
me a mail *OFF-LIST*



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