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RE: Autologin to domain server ?

I am guessing your 250 is looking after your house... Mine is looking after
the business and is using 14 of the 16 ports.. Port requirement not oo look
how big my card is.. :-)

Think you are bang on Dean.. You cannot get the software to even record
straight to disk without the views on screen.. Geovision software is
limited and poorly thought out.. the ergonomics are shite.. Any budding
programmers out there looking for an open market !!!!

I wouldn't have thought it could be run as a service unless its designed

As it displays the CCTV images i guess it could only be run in the
desktop enviroment.

I'm running Geovision GV-250 - not as posh as Marks GV-800 but does the
job :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hallows [mailto:markhallows@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 October 2003 10:23
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Autologin to domain server ?

I know you've got the autologin working, but you could've just tried to
get the cctv sw to work as a service?

Thats all very well but for us less technically minded, how do you do
that ?
I am running a Geovision GV-800...

> My CCTVserver is connected to a domain, its running Win2K pro, the
> software likes to restart the machine regulary...
> My problem is that as its connected to a domain the machine stops
> waiting for user intervention to login, as the cctv software is not
> running as a service it buggers things up..
> Is there a way of login without me having to enter password. When it
> just sitting on its own workgroup this was not a problem as there was
> option for not needing users to login, but this is gone as part of a
> domain.

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