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RE: X10 status panel available?


I use ACE for this, works great.

I have an iPaq and a Fuji which connect to ACE server via WiFi and display
loads of "buttons", I have the temperatures of my Meerkats
enclosures displayed and updated on some buttons, I have the button colours
change depending on the item "state", I also have a page that
controls WinAmp and displays the current artist/name/track/album in a
marquee style on 3 of the buttons.... oh and yes I can turn on my lights at
a touch of the button.

It does exactly what it says on the box.... err, website.

And Dan Hoehnen, who is the President of the above is always there for help
and advise, he never sleeps and never takes a holiday, at least that is how
it seems....


No affiliation etc, just VERY pleased.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Tresman [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 October 2003 10:05
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] X10 status panel available?

Is there any such thing as an X10 status panel, which consists of a
row of lights, each one representing the status of an X10 device?

By glancing at the panel, you would be able to see instantly whether
the garden gate is closed, the upstairs heater is on, etc.

A smarter version might show a flashing light (and/or with sound) if
the device status has changed in the last X seconds (with different
on/off durations depending on whether the status is changing on-to-off
or, off-to-on).

Ian Tresman

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