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RE: Condensing boilers & microbore pipe

Oh, difference of option here;=20

>1 They need servicing  twice yearly
I've not heard of any that need this.

>2 They go wrong more often than a microsoft OS (prior to its first
I don't have any direct experience of them, but they should have the same
reliability as a bog standard boiler.

>3 They rarely go into condensing mode (hence you get very little
Yes this can be the case, it does depend on your installation. If you have
UFH then they work very well indeed.

>4 They rot faster than a Datsun Cherry
There used to be problems with the condensate creating problems, especially
with oil boiler, but again I don't believe this is a problem any more

>5 Even if you take advantage of the grants available they are still
Yes they are more expensive and I don't think the grants are around any
more. This part of a discussion could go on for ages. You can buy a new car
h get
you where you are going, just in different ways.

>6 They have a maximum life expectancy of 10 years
Again, I would dispute that. Cheap condensing boilers probably do have an
expect life of 10 years, but then so do cheap normal gas and oil
It's horse for courses, personal I don't like combi boilers, however they
have their place. You can now get small boilers with small integrated hot
water tanks that I would argue give a better performance. Given that the
price difference between condensing and non-condensing has boilers is now
only a couple of hundred pounds and *will* save you some money over time, I
don't have a problem with them.=20

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