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RE: 6600/p900

It depends what you want. If you want a phone with PDA functionality
(including being bulky!), then the 6600 is not for you, and the P900
probably is.  If you want a phone with bells and whistles that can do what
most of what the P900 can do, just without the touch screen, stylus and
size, then the 6600 is a good phone.
There are a lot of issues with GPRS connectivity with the 6600, but I think
Orange is one of the few networks, globally, that it's working fine with.
As the other UK networks approve the phone over the next week or so
hopefully the connectivity issues will be sorted.
Plus the 6600 is =A3200ish cheaper sim-free.

-----Original Message-----
From: aashram [mailto:groups@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 14 November 2003 16:54
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] 6600/p900

I like the sonyer p900 and then I am think may be I should go for the nokia

Any comments/suggestions.=20

I like the all in one sound of the p900 and i like the touch screen and
screen size

but then again the 6600 is more compact and not out on orange yet dam

decisions decisions

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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