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Re: Comfort - Alarms - Zones - Best Ideas.


Thanks for the feedback! just a few quiestions more (so far!)

Dean mentioned using 8 core cable to some Pyrinix P2's - If I am reading
the comfort stuff correctly - you can actually get away with using 4
core cable to the sensors - tamper is taken care of by using a
combination of resistors in the sensor itself. Would this then mean -
using the same idea - that 6 core would work, 4 for the tamper and 'part
one' of the sensor and the other 2 for the sencond part?

DD243 is this should be somthing I am checking for?

PIR/Micros - there is yet another type of pir sensor?

These P2 duel techs - Volumetric - pressure sensitive, if these things
are in a garage (obvious problems such as not fully sealed garage door)
if the wind whistles through this would cause a presure increase and
trip the sensor? I guess if you went out and left an upstairs window
open - again this would trip the sensor?

ACE? did I miss somthing?

Oh - the obvious one... any URL's?? :)

Thanks again!


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