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Re: Re: HTPC+zoomplayer

Thanks to Graham + Phil for the feedback on myhtpc.
Although I now feel very inadequate in the hard disk size area!!!

The remote control issue is important. I bought a Gyration mouse +
keyboard, but now I'm using it on another system!
So I have a normal mouse, although the cord is quite useful because it
stops it getting lost.
It sits on top of the Freeview box, which works as a nice mouse mat.
OK you need to get to the telly, but the kids watch the movie all the
way thru, so no need for any fancy controls.
The keyboard is in the cupboard with the pc.
I don't like right click (All the other home computers are Macs with
single button mice)
What would be good would be a very simple gui in the dvd player,
hopefully customisable, so that I can have pause, play, chapter fwd and
back and eject (quit).
I will download zoomplayer at the weekend and have a play around.
Good to hear that hyhtpc is evolving.

I used to have a 300DVD changer, but it was stolen (along with 25
dvd's, fortunately it wasn't full)
The 200 disk CD changer was full and that went as well.
This happened last Easter and it was awful as they stayed for a few
hours and took EVERYTHING of value.
Now we are over it and the good thing is it has allowed us to update
everything and have macs for itunes / radio / photos / internet / email
and a pc for dvd playback.
I did buy a VHS player for the kids video's, has anyone bothered to
digitise vhs's?


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