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RE: Tivo Killer Apps

Wow !!! How much chocolate did you have to eat to get 3 Xboxes ??? :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Don McAllister [mailto:donmc@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 05 November 2003 09:53
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Tivo Killer Apps

I've posted some of this to the Tivo list but I thought I'd post here as
well just to make you Sky+ junkies jealous :-)

There are two hacks available for the Tivo which deserve a wider audience
and just may prompt any last non believers over to the Tivo.

1 - DailyMail
First up is there is a rather cool script that allows your Tivo to send you
an email every day showing:

* If the TiVo has rebooted recently
* If the last daily call failed
* What unresolved conflicts are coming up
* What programmes are about to expire
* What the TiVo is planning to record that day

Used in conjunction with a Tivo compiled version of Cron, I now get an
at 8:45am each morning from my mate, Tivo.

How cool is that!

Code and instructions here:

2 - Xbox Streaming
The real killer for me though is the availability of streaming of Tivo
programs from the Tivo to the Xbox via XBMP. We've been waiting on this for
ages and it's finally here. Tested it last night and it works! You can also
play extracted .ty files from a share on a PC to your xbox.

So I've got three xboxs and one Tivo and all will be able to share programs
and play them individually. Any space issues on the tivo and I can just
off the .ty files to my PC and watch them via xbox.

I've not done any major concurrency testing from the Tivo but I had two
sessions working fine last night. I from the usual TV and one from the
Fast forward and rewind look to be a bit flaky but no doubt will get
resolved over time.

The code has yet to be ported to the XBMC but this is on it's way.

To run this you need a certain CVS version of XBMP on the xbox and a
version ccxsrtream to run on the Tivo. I'll knock together a quick guide
make the files available over the next few days.

I bought two xboxes specifically due to the upcoming availability of this
function so now I can justify them to SWMBO!

Happy Days


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