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Re: [OT] COOL Mail Server Software!!

>Working in the IT department of a charity, I must say you are selling
short, very short.

Let's recap:

Here's a great little free mail handler program... that may be of interest
to the UKHA guys as many wish to run their mail servers internally, and we
have spoken in the past about alternatives to exchange. Most of the
alternatives have been on Linux, and this is the first one that I have seen
on Windows that I rate. (thanks for the reminder Calum ;) )

That's the reason for the post. I didn't invite a discussion on the IT
requirements of VSOs, or my own reasons for looking for this product. That
you work in a charity big enough to actually *have* an IT department
suggests you are operating in a very different environment from the groups
that we support. Most of these groups struggle from year to year with the
funding for staff wages, never mind paying for enterprise class software.

You may have a very low opinion of the users you support, however, in my
experience there is always someone in the office willing and able to learn
how to operate a new system, expecially if the alternative is spending
on IT that's better spent on the actual core activities of the

as for "tut tut": Do you think you are talking to a child? Or are
you just
naturally abrasive with people you don't know?
If you want to make personal digs, bring them to email, and I'll tell you
*precisely* what I think of your "tut tut".

This thread however, started Off topic, but was simply for information.
It's now straying rapidly into "who cares" country, so I suggest
dropping it


UKHA 2004: 15th and 16th May 2004
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