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Re: Re: Honeywell Smartfit research and the start of a generic interface (wish me luck!)

On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:15:46 -0000, Ian wrote:

>Within this framework, rather than writing both ends of a control
>you would simply produce a Smartfit - Serial interface, then a gateway
>the xPL environment, at which point, any of the various on screen
>scripting or other control (such as X10) can use the temperature
>and various other systems could be used for control purposes.

To be honest, I'd prefer to put xAP/ xPL in the PIC and not reinvent
the wheel. It all depends on that horsepower is needed- the PIC will
be then trying to track two asynchronous interfaces at once, all in

I did track the original x?? disussions for a while so I know this is
all old ground for you :)

I'm way behind on how far xAP, xPL, etc can go now, and to be honest,
am probably better sitting on the fence until the Smartfit end does
useful stuff ;-)

>There's a seperate group for xPL, ukha_xpl@xxxxxxx and, tbh, I'd be
>delighted to have another picbasic bod to talk to about xPL

I looked at your PIC + RS485 curtain controller and it made me decide
to stop trying to understand the PIC registers and just get on with
some hacking in BASIC. Swallowing one's programmers pride and moving

_Real_ men program in machine code using toggle switches. Using BASIC
was a bit like eating quiche at first! :-)

(Note to readers- Google for "real programmers quiche" if you are
young to remember- I started using BASIC on a <cough!> Commodore PET!

Apart from interrupts, Proton+ has done me proud so far.

You may see a subscribe message from me in the near future...

James Derrick
james@xxxxxxx, Cramlington, England
Beyond the Horizon of the place we lived when we were young,
In a World of Magnets and Miracles. Pink Floyd.

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