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Re: Rabbit users - which core should I choose ?

Hi Kevin/Dave,

>  Once I buy the development system for one core module I assume I can
>  use it directly on all the other core modules (I never have to buy
>  different, pinouts the same etc ?) and that code I write can just be
>  recompiled for different cores ?

Pinouts arn't the same across the 2000 range of modules, not checked the

>        So why would people choose say the 2200 cores over the 3000
>  the 2200 vs the 3010 - the latter is more powerful and has more I/O
>  same cost - currently I am veering towards a 3000 dev kit - is this a
>  sensible choice ? - it looks like the lowest cost unit in small
>  to produce the best priced final product.

The 3000 is the cheapest core with onboard magnetics. As for why choose the
2200, well the 3000 series wasn't around way back when I got my dev kit :(

>        However the 2100 dev kit is the only one that includes the
>  capacity 512K/512K, all the rest bundle the smaller family members
>  device as standard. - The  bigger device may be better for initial
>  development (code bloat). Can I buy this dev kit and use it with the
>  cores too ? Or just buy any dev kit and a couple of cores as needed.

As mentioned above check that the core has the same pinout, I think they
do in the 3000 series. As Dave mentioned with the new release of the
compiler then you'll get all the libraries you could ever need. I'm looking
at an upgrade, hopefully to a 3000 dev kit just to get the additional libs.

Lastly , will I find that I should have (need) the extra µC/OS-II
Real-Time Kernel as well ? Application is the xAP gateway (embedded
- ie Ethernet udp plus 2 serial ports at mid speed.

I think you'll be ok without uC/OS-II  at least in the first instance.

If  you want a chat I'm normally on MSN.


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