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RE: X10 Modules

it depends upon the depth of the box; i'm in a new home, and the sockets
all 3/4" deep, too shallow for the wires, and module, but, i fitted
them in
the wall space below the socket - i'm sure it contravenes building regs,
it works a dream ...

I have a dozen or so of these things scattered round the house - they work
fine, with the one niggle that a quick double fire of the switch wire (ie
off to on to off again) is sometimes not recognised, would guestimate a
tolerance of about .1 of a second, but i havent had one yet fail to work
remotely yet

The interesting thing about micromodules however is that they do more than
is advertised :) the full spec is here
specifically, can
respond to All Lights Off, can AutoAck, close on load (handy for local
control), autoAck close on load ... (the last two are very handy, you can
for instance, get the module to alert you when a load is applied, but not
automatically close the circuit, you can then do that programmatically -
vvvvv good for bedroom TV curfews :)

These things single handedly make x10 a more useful protocol :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Brazier [mailto:simon@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 10 June 2003 15:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] X10 Modules

I need to make a mains socket switchable using X10. I don't need local
control as it will all be run from Homeseer, but I can't just plug an
Appliance or Lamp module into the socket due to space limitations.

I've looked at the AWM2 module which seems to do what I want it to do, but
before I part with £69, can anyone tell me if these modules do actually
fit behind a UK double socket plate, and also if they can just be operated
remotely without any problems ?

Would it be sufficient to just connect the two control wires permanently
together instead of having a local switch ?


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