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**Off list** Re: UKHA2003 Video - DVD version

Ben McCormack wrote:

> Hi
> I have also just got my DVD in the post. Looks very good.
> What is the plan concerning the distribution of the disk? I know that
> someone mentioned a small charge for the disk and some of that going
to Paul
> for his hard work.
> What about something like ?3. ?1.50 going to the person who burnt the
> to cover disk costs, postage etc and ?1.50 going to Paul. May not be
> for Paul considering his hard work but may be enough for a few beers.
> do people think?

Hi Ben,

I was thinking a fiver more reasonable.... given there's the actual
getting of the money (bank transfer obviously free, but nochex/ paypal
etc taking a cut), the time to burn it, around £1 for the disc, the cost
of a jiffy bag and the cost of postage.... unless of course you post it

50% back to Paul sounds a good idea though, just gives us slightly more
breathing space at £2.50 to cover costs and £2.50 for Paul.

Theres a few guys in Scotland that I'll probably deliver by hand/ meet
up in town sort of thing, unless they want it faster by post, so
obviously that saves on postage a bit..... and gets me coffee and lets
me play with peoples toys ;)


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