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RE: UKHA2003 - key learnings?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: UKHA2003 - key learnings?
  • From: "Paul" <groups@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 14:20:25 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

One or two of the presenters could also have done with a radio mic linked
into a PA system - especially for those listening at the back of the room.
Maybe it could all be routed through Keiths Kat5 switcher next year!


-----Original Message-----
From: mark_harrison_uk2 [mailto:mph@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 22 May 2003 13:36
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] UKHA2003 - key learnings?


As Graham said at the close of UKHA2003, we should make a positive
attempt to learn from what went well, and what could have been
improved at UKHA2003.

I must say that, overall, I thought that the event was very well
organised, and I much preferred the weekend format to the evening one.

However, in the spirit of making things even better next time, I have
a few things that _I_, as a presenter, would aim to do differently
next time:

- The audio/video shootous were not well arranged physically, with
most people behind the rear speakers. If equipment / people allowed,
then having a series of "mini-tests" throughout the day would
allowed everyone to have a listen in "poll position" and made the
comparisons more meaningful. Laser's demo of the Audiotron and the
Exstreamer seemed to go well, all weekend.

- Equipment provision - I had turned down some offers for people to
bring spare equipment (particularly MP3 players!). This was a
mistake. Key learning - it's better to have 2 players and use one of
them, than to have 1 and for it to be unavailable at the time you
need it. I brought a spare pair of speakers, that in the end weren't
needed, but don't resent that at all.

- Transport - thanks to those (Tony and Jon) who helped transport my
kit from Gatwick to the event. I'm sure that an on-list "who's going
who needs transport / who's going who can provide transport?" session
would have been useful. I know, for instance, that Ken Watt ended up
ferrying lots of stuff...

- Rehearse. Those who went to the xAP demos on both Saturday and
Sunday commented that Sunday's presentation was a lot smoother. I'd
done a couple of talk-throughs in front of friends in the weeks
leading up to UKHA2003, but nothing beats a stand-up presentation by
way of rehearsal.



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