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> Tim Morris and Mark Harrison have unsubscribed
> after last nights thread on SETI/Cancer.

That is technically true, but may represent more than a little of a
misunderstanding. "After", yes. "Because of", no.

As many of you are aware, I am leaving Kingfisher next week. This
means that the email address mark.harrison@xxxxxxx is (will
be) no longer available to me.

Given that I'm having trouble getting my new account and Yahoo!
talking at the moment, I'm leaving groups with my old account, and re-
joining them with a new account. At the moment, I'm using my
@xapautomation address to help do this, but I'll be changing AGAIN in
another couple of weeks.

I was away from all PCs on Sunday and Monday, hence I came back on
tuesday to a big brouha, in which it had been assumed that my leaving
was because of the argument with Graham.

I will not deny that I disagree strongly with the views of Graham and
Ian on the subject in question. Furthermore, I am concerned about
some of the ways in which views were put across by several people
(myself included.)

On one matter, however, I was utterly mistaken. Owing to the
traditional Yahoo! problem of delivering messages out of order, I had
thought that it was Graham, rather than James who had closed the
thread. I had therefore assumed that Graham was in some way abusing
his authority as a moderator having disagreed with me, and was trying
to close off my right to reply.

I have already apologised to Graham privately for this misconception,
and will do so again publically. I value Graham's friendship and his
commitment to the UKHA community which he has demonstrated time after
time over the years.

Likewise, and for the record, I also value the friendship and input
of Ian Lowe and Tim Morris. I don't _think_ I've said anything that
would require an apology to either of them, though I'm willing to be
wrong :-)

In the meantime, thanks to those of you who have emailed me off-list
asking me to come back... Please be assured that I had never intended
to be off-list for more than a few days.


Mark Harrison
xAP Automation

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