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RE: Re: RE: Windows XP Media Center Edition Review

To add my 2p worth to the discussions.

All of the manufacturers are trying to achieve very similar goals.  There
aim seems to me to be to provide a common replicable interface to
information. The information comes in various sources, be it internet, video
on demand, audio on demand, home control, email or indeed anything else that
the marketing department or technical department have dreamed up.

There are a few people already realising this nirvana of a common interface,
(noteably this group)for example TiVo + TurboNet + Rio + PC + TV + CCTV +
X10 gives you far more than the technologists at MS or Sony are publicly
talking about.

The mass market introduction is arguably a very good thing as it will give
us all a better choice of equipment and competition should force down some
prices, that said the other side of the coin is we could lose the
flexibility that we are afforded today from some of the smaller players.
For example I would not be in the least bit surprised if TiVo corp
exclusively licensed their technology to Sony for inclusion in their TV's
for example, which would remove any possibility of future hacking,
integration with other products etc etc

As one door closes though another one opens though.......

It looks like there are some very interesting times ahead and many
format/connectivity arguments to come. I am sure people had similar
conversations when the VCR was uncovered for the first time, or the MIDI
Hi-Fi Vs Seperates debate.


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