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RE: RE: ot aquairum experts ?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: RE: ot aquairum experts ?
  • From: "Amar Nagi" <groups@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 13:30:49 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Sorry for posting this to ukha
I did it by mistake

-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi [mailto:groups@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 January 2003 12:06
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] RE: ot aquairum experts ?

Hi ian

Thanks for replying. There is a lot to say :-(

I bought a trigon 190 juwel tank about 4 weeks ago

And I put in the gravel and some bog wood and

As per instructions put in the water.

After a week and went in to see my local

Aquarium supplier and he asked me to bring in

Some water for the tank. He tested the water and

Said it would be ok to put a few hardy fish in there

To get the biological filter working. He reckoned

Neon tetras were a safe bet (I know now that was bad advice).

I was adding ph6.5 which was making the water cloudy

But I was told this would go away. After 2 weeks

I took my water in again to be tested and the supplier recommended

Harleqins. So I bought 6 of them. Everything was ok but the water

Was still cloudy. Everytime I did a small water change the

Filter would bust out some cloudy white stuff and then it would be ok.

I added aquaclear and the water went clearer but not totally

So I took the bog wood out and they are now soaking in water for 2

On the instructions of the supplier I now have 2 clown loaches, 6 platy,
6 harleqins and 3 neons (I did have 13 but 10 have died, 2 got killed by

A albino toad the aquarium suggested would be ok but it was not)

The problem I am getting now is my nitrite levels are high. And the

Fish are at the surface. I lost most of my neons this way. I did a 10%
change and it made no difference so I changed 50%. The nitrite levels

Are still high but lower than before. As you can imagine I have dumped

My supplier for a better one and they told me stop feeding the fish

And stick to feeding them once every 3days and to wait till the tank

Can get rid of the nitrite it self and to be patient. At max only change
10% of the water every other day if needed. She gave me a nitrozorb to

And try being down the ammonium and nitrite levels. I put in some

Solution too.

Please can you advise me as I am totally new to this and feel

Really bad that I have lost fish due to bad advise of a supplier.

I appreciate any advise. I still cannot figure out where this

White stuff comes from as I have cleaned out the filters (in old

Aquarium water as instructed and not tap water)

Sorry for the long email



      -----Original Message-----

      From: Ian Oliver [mailto:ioliver.lists@xxxxxxx]

      Sent: Mon 06/01/2003 11:26

      To: Amar Nagi


      Subject: Re:ot aquairum experts ?



      In article


      Amar Nagi wrote:

      > I am setting up an aquarium and run

      > Into a lot of problems


      I have a few aquariums, but don't regard myself as an expert.


      What's the problem?




      Ian Oliver

      Sunny Leeds, UK

      Using Java on Tini for control via Dallas 1-wire




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