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Re: CM12U unresponsive

Quoting Stephen <yahoo@xxxxxxx>:

> Can I ask if you plugged anything into the same socket? Mine seemed to
> fail last time I plugged a vaccum cleaner into a nearby socket. I have
> wondered if electrical interference was somehow to blame?

Vacuum Cleaners can cause horrendous spikes on mains wiring. A few years
ago I
had a site where the phone system would reset itself at about 6am everyday.
mains analyser showed a huge spike at about 6am.

By a process of elimination the only thing we could think of that would be
operated at about that time would be the vacuum cleaner as the cleaners
the only people in the building.

Opened up the cleaners cupboard, dragged out the "Henry" and
plugged it into
the most convienient socket in the reception area, (which was on the
side of the wall to the one for the phone system so electrically they were
about 6 inches apart). As I plugged it in it sprang into life because the
switch had been left in the ON position. It was a bit noisy and the
receptionist was trying to answer a call on the switchboard so I turned it
off.... "CLUNK" .... all calls cut off and the system reset
itself so I had
found the culprit.

Spikes can be VERY damaging, unfortunately most things you do to try and
suppress them will have a very detrimental effect on X10 as by its very
as a Power Line Carrier is a deliberate form of interference.

Catch 22 and all that :-(

Has anyone actually performed a "Post Mortem" on a CM12U to find
out exactly
what has been fried with a view to either repairing it or beefing up a
CM12U to prevent it being fried in the first place ?


UKHA 2004: 15th and 16th May 2004
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