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Re: caller id (and talkworks)

Hi Stuart
Thanks for that
Correct me if im wrong but the way i see things is that applications are
being written to convert all forms of data into xap messages  ie meteor
cid?? and other applications are picking up this data and converting the
xap message to suit the hardware device eg tivo ?? correct.......At the
moment there arent many devices talking pure xap ??....and i assume this is
the case for xPL....If my assumptions are correct i cant for the life of me
understand how we have ended up with two protocols.............????? as the
pc applications are doing all the hard work...........confused!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Stuart Booth
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] caller id (and talkworks)

On Sat, 6 Dec 2003 10:03:26 +1100, "Frank Mc Alinden"
<fmcalind@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>Hi Stuart
>            Can you please explain how you actually get a cid message
on to a slimp3 ....using xap ??

Sure. I've actually jotted down some notes on this one over on the
xAPAutomation Yahoo group:

The actual message is this one. I'm hoping to see this and additional
details fleshed out into nice HTML soon, but documentation isn't my
favourite task in the world.

Basically the CID message is generated by the xAP CID h/w 'driver' (or
'connector' as it seems to commonly be called too).

Another xAPplication (xAPps) detects the CID message and formats it
into an OnScreenDisplay (OSD) xAP message which it then sends off for
anybody interested to pick up and deal with.

I have 2 additional xAPps that know how to route these OSD messages to
my TiVo and to my SliMP3. So each takes the OSD xAP message and deals
with it as required. You could just as easily run something for PC
screen output or audio announcement, either from the OSD message or
message as it requires.

It's a multi-stage process, yes, but these can easily be combined into
one application by plugging the necessary modules together - or rather
my xAPFramework enabled apps can be. Maybe in future I'll be able to
host other compatible apps, but that's further down the road.

The advantages of this multi-stage process is that ANY xAP application
or device can deal with any message it pleases with. You can remove
one component and replace it with another as none are tightly coupled
together. For instance, if you don't have a Pace modem, you just need
the xAP driver for whichever device you do have, and the rest of the
system works in exactly the same manner.

It's really great seeing all these xAP messages flying around the
network generating a strong sequence of otherwise loosely coupled
events. I know that Kevin Hawkins has a *very* busy xAP network in his
home, something like 500 odd xAP messages in 5 minutes he told me
today! Anyway, that's beyond the original question.

HTH? Fire away with any additional questions.

Stuart Booth <stuart@xxxxxxx> - a xAP software development framework for .net

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