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Re: X10 - how ?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: X10 - how ?
  • From: "Marcus Warrington" <marcusw@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 10:55:21 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

>I was going to use the LW10U light switches
>but they really are butt ugly and I would really like to
>still have the option to of using energy saving bulbs, so its
>onto LD11's.

LD11's are also filament (incandescent) bulbs only too.

I had always assumed that the reason the LW10 was not suitable for
florescent lights is the fact that it has no neutral and uses the
small current leak across the bulbs filament to power itself. Since the
LD11 is wired directly to live/neutral I'd assumed it should work (its
says it works with halogen). I can understand that the dimming will not
work but once it got up to 100% why would it not work ?

I probably won't use any in energy saving bulbs anyway but would rather
not be in a situation where I can break something if I accidentally fit one
at a later date.

I have exactly the same problem fitting my X10 lighting. I'm also hampered
that to access the wiring in my lounge ceiling, I either have to take up
entire bedroom floor, or start jigsawing holes in it! Both my lounge lights
are two-way also, which is another problem when fitting X10.

I have the same issue in the kitchen in that the floor above has laminate
flooring fitted so access to the lighting circuit below is not possible.
Everything needs to be accessible from the ceiling rose.
My hallway is also a problem because its 3 way ! 3 switches on the landing
(RearLanding/Landing/hall), 3 switches in hallway below
and 3 switches in the Vestibule RearLanding/Hall/Landing) + 3 more switches
(Vestibule/OutsideLight/Spare). This was an attempt to be able to turn off
lights as we left the house in the morning.. in retrospect this was an
ideal candidate for X10 - "All lights off". In the future I hope
to do
this using the back box modules and re-using some of the existing (6)
wires as neutrals.

You could try fitting a LW10U (which support status response) into the

No they don't.. if they did then I would use them regardless of they're
other faults.

Marcus Warrington
marcusw@xxxxxxx MIS Computer Services (UK)

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